On June 24th and 25th, I will be walking 39 Miles in the Boston Avon Breast Cancer Walk as part of #teamholly. This will be my second time walking with Holly. In 2003, we walked with my mom and sister Lizzie. It was an amazing expereince of love, determination and hope. This year, our walk will be just as inspiring but intensely personal. As many of you know, Holly, my sister-in-law, at age 36, found out in August 2016 that the "pulled muscle" she'd been trying to ignore for months/ blame on soul cycle, was actually stage 2 breast cancer. A few weeks later she had a double mastectomy/ reconstruction and is now battling through Chemo.
Holly’s words do a great job of showing her incredible spirit:
"A cancer diagnosis changes you. It knocks you off your axis. Some of that change is for the better, some for the worse. For me I have been humbled. I am married to an incredibly supportive, understanding husband...who I did not appreciate as much before. I realized I have the best friends. Who have been generous with their time and love, who I have cried with (and mostly laughed) through this all. I've always loved Boston but now I see it as a world-class medical center. I truly value my amazing babysitters, neighbors... people who are there in a pinch. You are only as strong as your army. Mine KICKS ASS!
Breast cancer will never define me! It will only make me stronger, feistier, more caring and more understanding.
Let's END this ruthless disease.
xoxx Holly"
This gives you a glimpse into Holly’s incredible strength, love and tremendous determination. Holly came out of the gates swinging in her battle with breast cancer and she has inspired me with her determination, love, laughter, gratitude and grace through it all. She is a dynamic person, amazing mother of 3, wife, daughter, aunt and sister to me.
Cancer picked a battle with the wrong woman, Holly is in her own words feisty and will not stop fighting until there is a cure. She is organizing a team to fight alongside her. Please help, 40,000 will die from breast cancer this year. That’s mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, friends.
Please consider donating to support the fight against breast cancer and our Avon 39mile walk team.
Wishing all my friends and family good health and much love.
You can make a donation right here on my webpage by clicking the "Donate Now" button to the right. If you prefer to write a check, click the “Donate By Mail” button and follow the instructions on the form.
Your donations will be managed and disbursed by the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade. The dollars you pledge will put food on the table of a breast cancer patient and her family. They will enable access to mammograms and medicine, fuel research, and save lives. Need any more reason to click that Donate Now button?
I’m walking with thousands of other 39ers. We’re banding together in solidarity and have one goal: to take breast cancer down. So many sisters and mothers and friends have been lost. We see a world without breast cancer for our daughters and nieces. AVON 39 is a force of change that can’t be stopped. By supporting me with a donation, you’re part of it.