As you may know, my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer in 2011 and is now a SURVIVOR. Her strength has given me the courage to participate, for the SIXTH year in a row, for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer. Over the past FIVE years, with your help, WE have raised over $73,000!! It is such an inspiring event, that I am looking forward to the challenge of 39.3 miles again. This year, our goal is to raise $25,000.00!!!!
On September 9th and 10th 2017, we will spend the weekend walking, along with thousands of other people, for the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer in Santa Barbara. We are very motivated knowing that our effort will make a real difference to the millions of people affected by breast cancer, as it did for my mom. The funds raised are put to work IMMEDIATELY by both local and national beneficiaries that provide LIFE-SAVING programs.
Please help support our efforts by making as generous a contribution as you can. A tax-deductible donation can be made online at by typing in my name "Lisa Zusman". You may also write a check to the “Avon Walk For Breast Cancer”, with my participation number, (761369), and simply mail it to me. HIT THAT DONATE BUTTON!!!
You can also help us by passing this message along to others who may be interested in being a part of the Avon Walk for Breast Cancer – donors, walkers, and support staff.
Thank you for your continued support in this crusade!