In 2013, I was diagnosed with colon cancer. They removed the tumor, 3 feet of my colon and my appendix. In 2014, only 7 months later I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I am Brac2 positive, her2 positive, estrogen and progesterone positive. I have conquered many hurdles at the age of 45. Never did I expect to hear the words "You have cancer". Like so many individuals, this was a huge shock and a lot to handle - twice in one year! I heard the news and walked out of the doctor’s office in disbelief! How was I going to call my husband and tell him for the second time I had cancer. The thought of having to tell my children yet again those horrifying words, “Mom has cancer again”. Telling my children was harder than hearing I had cancer again.
On December 19, 2014, I had a radical double mastectomy. I was on the couch in so much pain I couldn't even get up to get the phone. I had my husband bring me the phone and I called Avon 39 and I registered to do the 39.3 miles. This gave me hope. It helped me heal knowing I could help so many others and they too will get through it. This is only a fraction of my journey I wanted to share some of my story with you all so you know why I am so determined to help. (Anyone who has to tell their family they have cancer well to me that is so heartbreaking for anyone to bare.)??
Avon has called upon me to represent as a 2017 Ambassador. I am so honored to take part. This is my calling to help others any way possible. I am asking for help for I cannot do this alone. I need your help. We all know someone affected by cancer - most of you already know me. Please help me make this year a success as it means so very much to me to be asked to be an Ambassador for Avon. It means even more to me to be able to help those who are so desperately in need. I see young ladies younger and younger being diagnosed. We need to help and put an end to Breast Cancer! We need to find a cure.
You can make a donation here on my webpage by clicking the "Donate Now" button to the right. If you prefer to write a check, click the “Donate By Mail” button and follow the instructions on the form.
Your donations will be managed and disbursed by the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade. The dollars you pledge will put food on the table of a breast cancer patient and her family. They will enable access to mammograms and medicine, fuel research, and save lives. Need any more reason to click that Donate Now button?
I’m walking with thousands of other 39ers. We’re banding together in solidarity and have one goal. Take breast cancer down. Too many of our sisters and mothers and friends have been lost. We see a world without breast cancer for our daughters and nieces. AVON 39 is a force of change that can’t be stopped. By supporting me with a donation, you’re part of it!