Hi Everyone!
I am participating in AVON 39 The Walk to End Breast Cancer. It won’t be easy, but that’s why it's worth it. From now until AVON 39 weekend, I’ll train to strengthen my body to walk over 39 miles in two days. I’ll also be raising funds to crush breast cancer. This is where you come in.
Fifteen years ago I heard the words “YOU HAVE BREAST CANCER”. Ever since, my family & I have participated in the Avon 39 Walk for Breast Cancer in San Francisco.
We are dedicated to the Avon 39 walk because the funds raised go to homeless, uninsured patients to pay for their treatments, and Open Hands provides meals for the women and their families. The Charlotte Maxwell Center provides alternative treatments for those in need as well. The rest of the funds are given to organizations in the San Francisco Bay Area for the research for advanced treatments, causes and Metastatic Breast Cancer Research which needs so much research!!
In celebration of my 15 year anniversary, my fundraising goal is $15,000.00. You can donate for the San Francisco event by going to www.avon39.org, click donate, type my name and follow the prompts, or mail checks payable to Avon 39 to Margo Lillie, PO Box 370519, Montara, Ca 94037.
This year I am sad to say another name will be added to my “In Memory”, Carol Heimann. I am walking in memory of; Carol, Melanie, Fran, Polly, Theresa, Julie, their families and friends. Together we can make this year a huge success, let’s do this!
I’m walking with thousands of other 39ers. We’re banding together in solidarity and have one goal: to take breast cancer down. So many sisters and mothers and friends have been lost. We see a world without breast cancer for our daughters and nieces. AVON 39 is a force of change that can’t be stopped. By supporting me with a donation, you’re part of it.