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UPDATE MAY 9TH ! My 18th walk is done! Check out my thank you video on this page.
My heartfelt thanks to all of you for surpasing my fundraising goal and raising over $39,000!
We ARE saving lives folks!!!! You are part of the team that has helped me raise over $750.000 since 2001!!!! Together we CAN and DO make a difference. Your well wishes will carry myself and the other 2,000 or so walkers, volunteers and crew as we march around Washington DC and Maryland the weekend of May 6-7.
I walk, because I can; because I want to share a huge survivor story and to remember..... I walk because of all of you!
Here are just a few comments I have received during this current fundraiser, these keep me inspired to continue the fight.
** Thanks, Deb, on behalf of all of us with breast cancer. I'm doing well at 2 years out, but some of my friends are not so fortunate. Let's all keep the research well funded and our hopes high.
** I have donated for a number of years in memory of my two sisters who both survived breast cancer, but have passed away ). One year ago today, I was diagnosed with breast cancer. While it was not a shock given my family history, it was an eye opening experience. Thanks to regular screening, my cancer was discovered and treated early, and I am doing fine. Thank you for all you do to raise awareness and funding.
** Sadly I must ask you to put Annie under "IN MEMORY OF" this year; she died of breast cancer in 2016. Annie was diagnosed with stage 4 breast cancer in 2013 and given 3 months to live. She immediately became a student of nutritional methods of fighting cancer, and aggressively fought the cancer using food and supplements. She had another 3.5 years of active and enjoyable life, some of which I was able to share with her.
** Thanks, Deb, on behalf of all of us with breast cancer. I'm doing well at 2 years out, but some of my friends are not so fortunate. Let's all keep the research well funded and our hopes high.
** Thank you for walking in my mom's name. It means so much to me!
** 17 year survivor.
** Keep up spreading your cancer awareness. I was diagnosed with breast cancer June 2015. I went through radiation and so far so good and I go for a check up the first week of April and barring any issues I can go back to a routine of once a year for my Mammo.
You can make a donation right here on my webpage by clicking the "Donate Now" button to the right. If you prefer to write a check, please make it out to Avon Walk for Breast Cancer and mail to be at: Deb Wills (Avon) 8297 Champions Gate Blvd #360, Champions Gate, FL 33896
Your donations will be managed and disbursed by the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade. The dollars you pledge will put food on the table of a breast cancer patient and her family. They will enable access to mammograms and medicine, fuel research, and save lives. Need any more reason to click that Donate Now button?
I carry these names during the actual Avon Walk for Breast Cancer and also during all my training walks.
Barrie Brewer
Shirley Yamanaka
Margaret's niece
Sharon V
Jane Frederick
Deb Wills - 1986
Ruth Howes - 2x survivor
Mary Newell 2006
Beth Floro 2009
Georgie Bonsanto 1999
Jan Gronemeyer 2008 BRACA+
Lisa E
Laura B 2014
Allison - 2x survivor
Kimberly Torres Markey 2013
Joyce Becker
Sue LaMotte 2002
Lori Durand - 2008
Gary K
Linda E 1999
Luanne Smith 2007
Josephine DeLuccia 15+
Jackie Keatts
Kasturee Mohapatra 5 years
Jackie Igoe 2002
Sarah Barnes
Ellie Argaluza 2008
Judy Graham Garcia 2010
Susan Otradovec - 2 times
Helene Block 2014
Elaine Kelly
Elizabeth MacGregor 2009
Barb Balle - 2010
Alesia Williams - 1 year
Penelope Blake
Marilyn Garfinkel - 2012
Margaret Schafer
Karol Kennedy 2015
Pat Hargesheimer 2000
Bonnie Watkins 2015
Margaret Krol 2016
Marie Cole 2013
Sharon Bivens - 3x
Randi Briggs -2016
Gay's Mother and Sister
Linda McNeilly
Kim Raga
Vera Wills (my mother) 1972
Kitty Vergen (my aunt) 1999
Dr. Bob Kirschbaum 2010
Monica Cooper 2007
Tim Day a Warrior King 3x breast cancer
Judy Marshall 2010
Woody Hill 2010
Elena Passerini 2010
Ann Freeman 2017
Lance Dunkowski
Rosemary Aulen
Brooke Newman
Marlene Scribner
Tracy Tiopelle Odom 2010
Dannee Neal 2012
Barbara McElvain
Nik 2015
Rodney Fox 2015
Bea Canter 2005
Johnnie Ford
Richard Bivens
Bernadette Webb
Mary's friend Julie
Lucy Carter
Shirley Garfinkel 2003
Luisa Ching 2016
Margaret's 2 sisters
Annie Duane 2016
Alan Lafferty
Betty L Wahl
Emma Lou Senik
Laura A
Regina's Mom Lorraine and Aunt JoAnn
Bambi Lynn Ray
Mary Jane Sabino
Dineen's Grandmother and Aunt
Linda Larson Gee
Kathie Bergen-Grove My BRACA Survivor Cousin 1999
Michelle Soliday