Hey all, my name is Aaden Fantom and I am from Duxbury, Massachusetts. This June, some friends and I are going to be a part of AVON 39 The Walk to End Breast Cancer. I am doing this in the memory of my late Aunt Hilary, as she had a positive impact on so many lives and inspired me to spread the love.
The walk is very meaningful to me personally, and to many others. Too many have already died to this awful illness, and that's why I plan to raise as much money possible in order to put a stop to it. The donations you make, the better suited those suffering around us are to deal with their long path ahead. Neither the fundraising or the walk will be easy, but that's why it's worth it
The dollars doanted will put food on the table of a breast cancer patient and her family. They will enable access to mammograms and medicine, fuel research, and save lives. In order to be a part of this amazing cause, I am required to raise $1,800, but the more raised means the more saved, so my goal is much higher.
Join me in this fight and be a part of a massive movement that could save those close to you. Pass on the positivity and pay it forward!! ::)))
You can make a donation right here on my webpage by clicking the "Donate Now" button to the right. If you prefer to write a check, click the "Donate By Mail" button and follow the instructions following.